Emergency Operations Plan

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The South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan (SCEOP) is an all-hazard plan developed for use by state government departments and agencies to ensure a coordinated and effective response to natural, technological, or man-made disasters that may occur in South Carolina. The plan is organized to correspond to the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

The plan is predicated on the principle that emergency operations will be executed at the level of government most appropriate to provide an effective response. State assistance is provided upon request when requirements exceed the capability of local government. Federal assistance is provided upon approval of a request by the governor to the appropriate federal agency or to the president.

The plan has three major parts: the governor's Executive Order which adopts and approves the plan and assigns responsibilities; the Basic Plan which outlines general policies and procedures that provide a common, coordinated basis for joint state and local operations; and the functional Annexes which outline the responsibilities of state agencies within the framework of Emergency Support Functions (ESFs).

State departments or agencies use the SCEOP to develop and implement instructions; for training; in preparing, marshaling and distributing resources; and in providing services and assistance during disasters.

The complete South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan is available below.  Just click on the link to open the document in Adobe Acrobat Reader (if you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it is a free download from www.adobe.com ).