S.C. Severe Weather and Flood Safety Week March 2-8, 2025

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COLUMBIA, S.C.— Governor Henry McMaster has proclaimed March 2-8, 2025, as South Carolina Severe Weather and Flood Safety Week.

The South Carolina Emergency Management Division, the National Weather Service, and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources are jointly sponsoring the week to raise awareness about the significant hazards posed by severe storms, tornadoes, and flash floods in the state and encourage people to take proper safety precautions.

Throughout the week, SCEMD, NWS, and SCDNR will highlight different topics related to severe weather and flood safety:

       Sunday: Types of Severe Weather

       Monday: Watches and Warnings

       Tuesday: Staying Connected

       Wednesday: What to do during a tornado

       Thursday: Flooding in South Carolina

       Friday: Turn around don’t drown, home safety tips

       Saturday: Recovery from storms and flooding, insurance review


A highlight of the week will be the annual statewide tornado drill, which is closely coordinated with the South Carolina Broadcasters Association. The State Superintendent of Education is encouraging schools statewide to participate. The National Weather Service will use the required weekly test code, RWT, during the drill. 

The drill will be conducted Wednesday, March 5, at 9 a.m. Public schools, state and local Emergency Management, the South Carolina Broadcasters Association, and others will participate in this annual event. The purpose of the drill is to test communication systems, safety procedures, mitigation processes, etc.

For further information on Severe Weather and Flood Safety Week, contact your county emergency management director, SCEMD or your nearest National Weather Service office. Additional resources can be found online at scemd.org/prepare/ and https://www.weather.gov/cae/SC_Severe_Weather_Preparedness_Week. The SC Emergency Manager App is also an effective tool to help individuals plan and prepare for emergencies. It is free to download in the App Store and Google Play.



What to do during severe weather: https://scemd.org/prepare/types-of-disasters/thunderstorms/

Before, During and After a Tornado: https://scemd.org/prepare/types-of-disasters/tornadoes/

Flood Safety: https://scemd.org/prepare/types-of-disasters/floods/