The South Carolina Emergency Management Division is monitoring Hurricane Elsa, which forecasters say could affect the South Carolina next week. As a result of the storm’s projected movement toward the southeast United States, key local and state agencies have been notified to be ready to respond if the need arises.
South Carolina residents and visitors in potentially vulnerable areas should review their plans and consider actions they would need to take if the storm threatens the state. Everyone should monitor the storm via local news media and follow updates from the National Hurricane Center, especially people in low-lying areas along the South Carolina coast.
“We’re watching Hurricane Elsa very closely and it’s too early to tell what impact, if any, this storm will have,” SCEMD Director Kim Stenson said, “Even if this storm passes us by, there could be more hurricanes on the way in the coming weeks and months. It is vital that every resident have a personal emergency plan and be ready to take action if they need to.”
SCEMD has several resources available for people to prepare for hurricanes, including the recently launched hurricane.sc. This new site is an interactive tool for anyone needing a quick reference hurricane preparedness.
Additionally, the SC Emergency Manager is available in the App Store and on Google Play: http://onelink.to/dn92rx.
The official 2021 S.C. Hurricane Guide is available in English or Spanish at scemd.org.